Opinion columns by Timothy Taylor in the San Jose Mercury
News: 1994
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December 28, 1994 - "It's Crunch
Time for Health and Education: Both are Run by Omnivorous Bureaucracies which
can Absorb Almost Any Amount of Money"
December 15, 1994 - "Social Security Myth
Needs a Reality Check"
November 23, 1994 - "Alan Greenspan has His
November 13, 1994 - "A Bigger Fight Over
Free Trade"
November 1, 1994 - "Deficit Delusions"
October 11, 1994 - "Next Step That's Needed:
'Universal' Product Line - Quietly, Banks Get Approval to Go Interstate"
September 21, 1994 - "The Federal Reserve's
September 13, 1994 - "An Air Crash is the
Least of Your Worries"
August 28, 1994 - "A Health Care Deal was
Achievable, But Clinton Blew It - Good Diagnosis, Bad Medicine"
August 9, 1994 - "Goodbye, Sunshine"
July 29, 1994 - "A Lot of People Think Japan's
Industrial Policy Picked Only Winners; A Lot of People are Wrong - The Bureaucrats
Blew It, Too"
July 25, 1994 - "Clinton's Dollar Dithering
Incites Volatility"
July 14, 1994 - "Russia an Odd 8th at the
June 30, 1994 - "... And Welfare Reform isn't
Likely to Change That"
June 15, 1994 - "R&D Effort Downshifts
- As Government Steps Back, General Projects Lose Support"
May 18, 1994 - "Competitiveness? Why Worry?"
April 22, 1994 - "Clinton Still May Control
April 6, 1994 - "No, We Don't Want to Level
Los Angeles"
April 1, 1994 - "A Compromise Could End the
Stock Option Hysteria"
March 11, 1994 - "The Truth About Who Pays"
March 7, 1994 - "As a Disincentive to Smoke,
a Cigarette Tax Makes Sense"
February 22, 1994 - "It's an American Tradition
Going for Broke"
February 11, 1994 - "Clinton Got Economic
Help -- From Bush"
February 9, 1994 - "If a Precedent of Market
Quotas is Established with Japan, It Will Surely Work Against U.S. Interests -
In Other Cases Clinton Forgets About Free Trade"
February 4, 1994 - "In Tough Times, Many
Nations Cut Back a Farewell to Arms Spending"
February 2, 1994 - "How to Fix Clinton's
'Socialized Medicine'"
January 28, 1994 - "Right Number - Rather
Than the Price of Telephone Service Increasing Sharply, It is Actually About 20
Percent Cheaper than 10 Years Ago, Adjusted for Inflation"